Welcome to Haven House
Haven House offers a 3.1 Low Intensity Residential program that focuses on re-entry and relapse prevention. The program lasts for 5 months, which includes a 2-week orientation period, and is typically covered by most insurances. Clients have the flexibility to work and/or attend school, and are encouraged to engage in community recovery meetings while adhering to an approved schedule.
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) counselors are on-site Monday to Friday from 9-5, with technical staff available 24/7. Peer support services are provided along with assistance in connecting to psychological, mental health, and primary care services. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is accepted.

3.1 Low Intensity Residential
- 5 month duration (2 week orientation period)
- Paid for by insurance
- 24/7 tech staff
- SUD counselor on site 9-5 Monday through Friday
- Focused on re-entry/relapse prevention
- Clients can work or go to school
- Clients can come and go without staff (within limits of an approved schedule)
- Case management for connection to psych, mental health, and primary care
- Clients provide their own food (resources available when needed)
- Clients can have their cell phone
- Recovery meeting attendance in the community strongly encouraged
- MAT accepted